posting and wanting....
i have had a really hard time with everything that has been happening south of us, with hurricane katrina. at a time when we as a nation should pull together and help one another,but instead, we divide ourself with stupidity and racism.
no one can help who or what they were born, we all have out faults. god i wish we didn't, but we do, no one is truly happy with themselfs, we all hide things in the dark and in the back of the "closets" we don't want others to know, some are embarrissing, some are hurtful and we don't know how to put them into words. but we are all bleeding inside aren't we?
so why when we have a tragedy of this magnitude do we take it out on each other and call each other names??
we should draw together and show the fact that we are caring, loving people. not just mere animals.
yes i am a hippy at heart... i want to run thru a field of flowers, barefoot.
[[*My Adores*]]
People:My kids [[Amber and Ry]] My Friends: Jenn, Sari & Suzi
People:Mean,Ugly (for no reason)
|July 2005|August 2005|September 2005|October 2005|November 2005|December 2005|January 2006|February 2006|March 2006|April 2006|July 2006|August 2006|September 2006|March 2007|April 2007
angry bunnies
foamy the squirrel
Food:Tomatos.. YUK
[[*The Conversations*]]
give lorrellie more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
[[*My Friends*]]
Enlighten Up
Jenn Thinks
spaghetti logic
mind beast
art by paul
a cat named pi
time out for sari
"The Band!!"
[A Druid's Path]
a perfect circle
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